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鼻整形常识 HOME - 鼻整形前后实例


Total 399 / 7page
    最近很多人選擇用注射方法來隆鼻, 輕微的用來在臉上作出調整是沒有問題的, 但是如果注射得太多就會產生後遺症。注射雖然是很簡單, 但是注射物質是不能溶解的, 這樣的話不但不能塑造出一個好的外型, 更會因為注射物質而令皮膚組織內部變硬。上圖是一位患者接受了注射的鼻..
    No.279 I 2004-06-29 I 186 I
    如果一個鼻子是攣縮的話, 需要考慮延長多少: 如果一個鼻子是出現懸掛的話, 需要考慮縮短多少。一般都會根據醫生的專業角度去決定延長或縮短, 但是這兩者都需要很高的技術, 上圖的情況是不容易的例子。很多時候我們都需要聽取病人的意願去做延長或縮短, 屆時會盡量取其..
    No.278 I 2004-06-14 I 210 I
    一般開放式可見的疤痕,是不會成為一個大問題。這張照片是在手術4週後拍攝, 疤痕復原時間是需要3個月左右才會消失。
    No.277 I 2004-06-07 I 198 I
    It's a surprise that there are many people with this problem. However the correction of inverted nipple is very simple and there i..
    No.276 I 2004-05-16 I 180 I
    Well it's harder to reduce a big nose such as a bulbous case than augmenting. In such cases frequently there is a revision after 6..
    No.275 I 2004-04-29 I 186 I
    If there is an infection after rhinoplasty it needs to be treated immediately. Infection is the most serious complication. However..
    No.274 I 2004-04-22 I 175 I
    Commonly they ask if the distance between the eyes will decrease if one has rhinoplasty done. It's not a wrong idea but it's norma..
    No.273 I 2004-04-02 I 182 I
    It's a case of nostril correction. The bridge got deviated after the operations time after time. The operations was done patently ..
    No.272 I 2004-04-01 I 173 I
    It's a case after a long time since the operation with silicone.
    No.271 I 2004-03-06 I 174 I
    The title is like a scientific thesis. They say that the eyes and nose are responsible of 90% of the entire image. Actually if one..
    No.270 I 2004-02-25 I 178 I
    Commonly people worry that their eyes will look too close to each other if they have rhinoplasty. In this case it's appropriate to..
    No.269 I 2004-02-15 I 186 I
    Medical technology becomes a great prospect item of export Such countries as China and Taiwan the domestic medical hygiene indust..
    No.268 I 2004-01-14 I 179 I
    They say it's ideal when the nasion of the nose starts from the line where the eyelid folds when one opens the eyes. From the fron..
    No.267 I 2004-01-03 I 183 I
    Nasal tip rather hangs down if the silicone is inserted all the way until the tip due to the weight of the silicone. Therefore the..
    No.266 I 2003-12-24 I 176 I
    Commonly they ask if they can slightly augment their glabella. It is possible to augment a certain part as much as one desires wit..
    No.265 I 2003-12-11 I 187 I
    Costal cartilage is one of the best autologus grafts. However there are negative aspects of it as well. It's a major surgical oper..
    No.264 I 2003-10-30 I 185 I
    In this case of cleft lip and nose; philtrum palate and even the voice needs to get corrected in order to complete the process. Mo..
    No.263 I 2003-10-28 I 170 I
    Silicone starts calcifying in 10 years; when it's about to reach 20 years in almost every case calcification occurs. When silicone..
    No.262 I 2003-10-18 I 203 I
    After a surgery using silicone if there is something hard rising inside the nostril or on the nose-bridge bringing discomfort then..
    No.261 I 2003-10-13 I 160 I
    Polybeak deformity is slightly different in comparison with a hooked nose which the middle of the ridge of the nose is lifted up..
    No.260 I 2003-09-24 I 199 I
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