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Result of a contractured nose

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Date.2001-07-16 00:00:00




This is the pictures taken before and after the surgery of contractured nose after use of silicone.

But I feel that this person has survived the crisis
This is the picture of the process of the surgery. There are those who had extended the contractured nose with silicone. This is very dangerous. If the silicone blocks the already pulled skin the skin will not be able to endure itself. This picture shows the inner structure of the nose that was made by using rib cartilage. This person had a dark skin due to severe contracture that had pulled the skin too much. Please pray so that the skin can live and please pray for both the patient and me.

I am also one of those who suffered through contractured nose. But why don't plastic surgeons inform them earlier about these kind of side effects? Not long ago I had seen a person who underwent breast surgery without knowing the possible occurence of side effects. I feel that the doctors should inform the patients beforehand about this kind of side effects.

>There are so many who suffer through side effects caused from silicone. Especially from getting a contracted nose.

If nose contracture develops the nasal length will shorten and the skin will get stiff.

Upturned nose is normally very difficult but it is very difficult to extend the contractured skin.

In this case using rib cartilage for extension of nose is necessary. I will show you the process of the surgery.

This person has lived painfully for 3 years searching for rhinoplasty clinics around the world.


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