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All about my surgery^^

페이지 정보


Date.2004-11-02 00:00:00




Hello Dr.Jung
 I am a student who recently had her stitches removed.
I thought you were interested in my writing skills in English so I decided to write here(laugh).

 When I first visited Dr.Jung he gave me an impression of a very kind person. He was really friendly and nice. However due to my lack of preparations I did not have much to say about my nose. My nose was bent after I fell flat on my face when I was three. After talking a bit more about rhinoplasty Dr.Jung mentioned that I should get a double-edged eyelid. After asking more questions I decided I would do it as well. I decided on the date for the surgery and left the hospital.
The second time I visited Dr Jung was for the actual surgery. The nurses took pictures of my nose(for the BEFORE & AFTER pictures). I changed into patients' clothes which was very loose and comfortable. Then the time came for the needles. The nurses inserted the needle in a vein on my arm to carry in some clear liquid(I did not know what it was) through my blood  and then I got another shot on the bottom which was to prevent infection(DO NOT rub where you got shots on your vein. It makes it bruised. However better to massage after the shot for infections).

 After that I was walking inside the room for the actual surgery. I was really nonchalant until I got the shots but I started to feel nervous. Doctors removed my nasal hair and gently rubbed my face with alcohol-smelling liquid. My face was covered with a cloth except for my eyes and nose. I was laying down on the surgical bed which was a bit narrow and my feet and hands turned cold. There was a really nice woman doctor who covered me with a blanket and another doctor(man with glasses) who started making a conversation(We ended up talking about Korean education system) and I ended up feeling much more relaxed.

 Dr.Jung came and so the surgery started. The eyes came first. A doctor shot something in the lid of my eyes to make it numb. It hurt a bit. After what it seemed for quite a long time the double-edged eyelids were done. The doctor held up a mirror for me to see but I was dazed and did not see much. After that I had a  long tube in my mouth. I saw oxygen flow into my mouth and after that all I remember is the woman doctor supporting my arm to another room where there are two ordinary beds.

 I remember that I said thank-you to Dr.Jung when he came to see me. I kept on talking to mom who was waiting on me. Which was a bit unlike me since I do not talk that much. I drank so much water because I was thirsty. The nurses had put an ice pack on my eyes to prevent them(my eyes) from swelling. After getting instructions when and how to apply ointments and to take medications I left the hospital.

 My face did not swell much due to continuous ice massage(Not on the nose though). I visited the hospital after few days to change the dressing. To my surprise a doctor from the U.S.(born in Philippines) seemed to know me. We had a small talk and I found out that he was with the other doctors during my nose surgery. He seemed like a friendly soul. It is too bad that I could not see him too well because I could not wear my glasses. He told me that he asked me some questions in english and I answered in english as well. However I do not remember anything that I said. I hope I did not say anything weird.

 I like my eyes. It became really pretty but my nose is still swollen so I cannot make out the exact shape yet. The doctor said it would take about 3months to settle in. I can't wait.

 I would like to thank the doctors; Dr.Jung the doctor from the Philippines(I heard that he goes back to U.S. in February) the woman doctor and doctor with glasses. Also I thank the nurses as well. I wish all of you good health and happiness. Thank you again*^^*. and see you!


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