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Lack of definition and tip rhinoplasty on thick skinned nose

페이지 정보


Date.2013-05-01 17:59:24




Many Asians have thick skin. It is common in Korea. Dr. Jung have the experience of more than 15,000 cases.
If you get a rhinoplasty in our clinic, I’ll do open approach rhinoplasty and defatting at nasal tip area. Additionally, If necessary, I’ll do CAP graft for Tip defining. Skin excision of alar is needed for correction of small external nasal valve. I have special techniques for the correction. Don’t worry about a postoperative scar. It’s hard to see 3months later.

In Korea, secondary and tetiary patients are transferred to my clinic. I have very high-leveled skills for cleft lip, skin necrosis, filler necrosis, destructive nose etc. I hope that you’ll visit my clinic.

> Greetings Dr. Jung
>  I am a Spanish citizen, 36 years old and had my first rhino on 1999 with almost no results at all.  It was an open intervention and I'm looking forward to have a revision. Please let me know if any improvement can be achieved in refining and defining the tip. Note that I have the primary nasal valves really small and thick skin so what can be done in terms of improve the funcionality.
>  Looking forward to have news from you!
>  Regards!


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