Is silicone easy to remove after complication?

페이지 정보

작성자 nose 작성일2001-09-30 00:00:00 조회97회 댓글0건


When silicone gets inserted in the body the body forms a capsule to isolate itself from the silicone. Therefore silicone is easy to remove. Since there are a lot of cases of silicone removal due to complications we could say it's good that it's removal is not hard at all.
However in most cosmetic clinics they perforate the silicone to avoid misplacement. Then the story changes; the picture is of a silicone taken out just today. It was really complex to remove this one. They perforate too many holes that we had to remove pieces of it. What happens when the silicone is perforated? Then the tissues grow through the holes and keeps the silicone in place. That's why it doesn't come out easily.
Commonly they say that gore-tex is hard to remove after complications but it's rather easy. Also its rate of complication is low enough that removal is not really a thing to worry about. Worrying about removing it during the surgery that thought itself is all because of the silicone.


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