Correction of Bulbous Nose - Visual Effect Correction

페이지 정보

작성자 nose 작성일2003-05-29 00:00:00 조회186회 댓글0건


There are many ways for correction of bulbose nose. One of the most common method is tying cartilage. However this method cannot really correct the problem. Cartilage should be used as the support and other complex method such as cap graft or shield graft should be applied together for the best result.
It is known that most surgeons simply augment the nose for the correction of bulbose nose. But this cannot be the proper correction. For the proper correction the volume of nose should be reduced as well as the projection. So firstly the nose should be reduced then the projection should be performed.
The correction of bulbous nose requires highly skilled surgeon.

Also visual effect is important for bulbous nose correction. In the picture you can see that the bulbose nose looks much more narrower since nose augmentation and lengthening has done together.
Multiple methods should be performed to correct bulbose nose. And if secondary surgery is performed 6 months after the primary surgery it can be corrected more completely.


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