
페이지 정보


작성일.2004-01-12 00:00:00




Dr Jung

I hav been following your website for along time and as you already no i am in need of a nasal revision.

Your warped and deviated nose corrections have impressed me and are probably the best i have seen however we rarely see any secondary operations on this site? most are primary so it gives us no idea how well you perform revisional procedures

1)Could you show more secondary procedures with an emphasis on warped nose corrections.

2)Is a rib graft a very painful procedure? I think my primary operation made my nose to small!

3)If a supplementry procedure is predicted during the first consultation is the patient charged for this? do you ever perform straightening of a nose and then augment it in a secondry procedure or do you prefer to do it all in one operation.

4)I have heard in asian countrys the surgeons attach cartiliage to the end of implants instead of fixing the grafts to the tip.  Is this a technique you use?

As you can imagine once a patient has one bad result it is very hard for us to trust any doctors because we keep thinking the same could happen again so if you could please answer the above questions i woul;d be very grateful



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