Dr. Jung & your U.S. patients

페이지 정보


작성일.2003-07-22 00:00:00





I don't know a patient where he or she had previous operation. It's not a big problem.
Dermis is a part of skin which is composed epidermis dermis dermofat suferficial fat layer muscle(including most nerves and vessels in this layer) deep fatty layer periosteum and perichondrium.

Take care

>Hi Dr. Jung
>i know that alot of your patients come to you from the states either for primary or for revision
>do you remember any of the names of the doctors that did some of your patients noses from the united states and caused them to come to korea to have you fix it?
>especialy this girl i think you said she is from the states and you did a good job on her.
>also you mentioned in some pictures that you used dermis to heighten the ridge
>what is dermis?



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