Silicone extrication

페이지 정보

작성자 Administrator 작성일2006-01-22 00:00:00 조회175회 댓글0건


question Title  :  Silicone extrication
question Content
This is when silicone protruded out from the skin., Please help doctor.....

I had a surgery on February at a clinic in Shin Chon.
They said it will turn perfectly normal on March, but all of a sudden,my nose started to turn red and so when I asked the doctor about it, he had said that it was because I had augmented the nose too much at once.The doctor had said that it is just a normal state and I had just waited for it to disappear. At first I thought it was a scar but now the red mark is almost all gone.
During my treatment after the surgery I thought the white part was just torned skin but I had realized it was silicone.I was about to go talk to the doctor but I have no faith in him no more. I need your help, is there any way to recover the already protruded silicone?I really have no hope so please help me before it is too late to do anything, thank you


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