3 questions

페이지 정보


작성일.2010-09-16 00:00:00




Hi Dr Jung,

I have 3 qns:

1) I will be flying to London after completing my rhinoplasty surgery and removing the stitches (about 7 days post operation). For such long haul flights, would it be harmful to my nose and recovery

2) I have raised scars (keloids) and deep pits on the skin of my nose. Can something be done during rhinoplasty to minimise them or do I have to go for a separate laser skin resurfacing? Should I resurface the skin before or after the surgery?

3) Im currently wearing braces, primarily to cure my malocclusion and to bring down my upper maxilla. Will my braces affect my rhinoplasty as well? Can I go ahead to do the rhinoplasty?


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