
페이지 정보


작성일.2010-10-18 00:00:00




Dear User

Reduction of bulbous nose, lengthening with cartilage, trimming of a fatty thick subcutaneous skin, alar base surgery without use of autologous rib is all included in the 'primary rhinoplasty category' (1st surgery for nose). We do not charge seperately for procedures done to improve various anatomical aspect of the nose.

If you have had prior surgery, the cost will be under the revision rhinoplasty category.

Use of donated rib will cost an additional $1500 to the procedure.

So if you are undergoing 1st surgery for all the above improvements using donated rib, it will cost : $4500+$1500, which is $6000

Yes, it is possible to reduce the thickness of your skin.


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