
페이지 정보


작성일.2011-02-18 00:00:00




Because of the unpredictable resortion of donated rib, it is not a good idea to use donated rib for tip surgery. If you are truly a high risk patient for scar related problems. We can consider other alternatives. For instance, we can use other materials such as alloderm or tutoplast(fascia lata), these are donated material which has a hardier resorption rate. Or, if the fear is that of a visible scar on the face, but a scar elsewhere is more acceptable, we can plan for a rib harvest so that a small 3cm scar is on the chest under the breast fold. In anycase, the risk of keloid formation is quite low. Earlobes typically develop keloids at ear piercing sites, this is not where we harvest from. Risk from a well planned surgical scar on the ear is actually low. We can harvest ear cartilage from the posterior (back) surface of the ear so that in the unfortunate case a keloid develops, it will be on the back of the ear, away from site as well.


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