Need Your Advise

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작성일.2012-02-27 17:15:51




Dear user

If you want to insert self cartilage inside your bridge, we recommend rib cartilage.
The cost is $5,800 for revision and $3,000 for self rib.
You can pay by cash or credit card.


> hi, dr. Jung.
>  My name is Beth. I had a previous nose surgery for 4 years ago. The doctor inserted silicon implant inside my bridge and used one of my ears cartilages for the tip. It looks a bit high, so I want to remove the silicon implant from my bridge then replace it with my own cartilages. Therefore, I would like to ask your advise. I'm really interested to have a nose revision with you. Please let me know how much for the revision and how is the payment because I don't live in Korea. Thank you in advance and have a wonderful day.
> Sincerely,
> Beth


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