Autologous vs donated rib cartilage

페이지 정보


작성일.2012-03-02 11:29:51




Dear user

Answers are as follows,

1. Absorption rate of donated rib vary from 50% to 100%.
    So we only use donated rib for lenghtening purpose. If the skin stretched once, implanted donated rib does not count.

2. It is possible to use donated rib for your nasal tip.


> 1.May I know which one has higher absorption rate? Understand from the previous threads that Dr Jung does not perform donated rib cartilage for dosal increment. Would you mind share with us any particular reason for this?
> 2. Currently my nose is using ear cartialge and septal for the strut. However if I would like to make my nose tip even higher and more curved up. Can I use donated rib cartilage in conjuction with the ear and septal cartilage. Would it increase the rate aborption when two different materials are placed together?
> Thank you so much for your kind advice.


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