B&A Pic dated 4/30/12

페이지 정보


작성일.2012-05-14 10:11:00




Dear user

We put strut and extended graft to support tip using septal cartilage and cap graft to make tip more defined using ear cartilage.
We inserted goretex for bridge augmentation.
The picture was taken 3months after surgery.


> Hi Dr. Jung,
> I have a similar nose (low bridge height and very bulbous tip) compared to the girl in your B&A pictures dated 4/30/12.  Can you please let me know what kind of rhinoplasty did she undergo (rib or implant. tip plasty)?  When was the post-op picture taken?
> Her results look very natural and the nose bridge is not too high, which is exactly what I'm hoping to achieve with my rhinoplasty.  Thank you!


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