Silicone or Gore-tex for Implant

페이지 정보


작성일.2012-07-12 11:17:29




Hi Dr.,

It appears that most Korean plastic surgeons prefer to use silicone implant for rhinoplasty, except for your clinic.  I'm aware that each implant has its pros and cons. 

But in your experience, does Gore-tex implant have less risks (extrusion, contraction, deviation, thinning of the tip, ect.) than silicone?  In case of infection or unsatisfaction, can Gore-tex be removed succesfuly without damaging surrounding tissue?  What about Alloderm?  Is it as good as gore-text in raising the bridge? 

I'd prefer to have Gore-tex because silicon seems to be a very heavy product that tends to slide downward over time and there seems to be more revisions associated with silicone implant than other materials.

Thank you!


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