
페이지 정보


작성일.2012-07-31 18:36:49




Dear Kanye,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Rhinoplasty surgeries are not meant to be repeated on a regular basis, unlike botox or absorbable fillers. That said, depending on the type of rhinoplasty, we sometimes plan for staged surgeries for complex cases. However, for straightforward primary rhinoplasties, we do it just once.

As we aim to achieve the maximum satisfaction for every patient, we sometimes perform touch ups afterwards for minor fine tuning to the patient's preference.

As with all surgeries, complications such as implant shifting, infections, extrusions can occur. These are rare instances, exceptions rather than the norm, but in these cases revisions will be necessary.

We perform rhinoplasties all year round, but the peak season is usually in winter months.

I hope this answer your queries.

Best Regards,

> after the rhinoplasty surgery,will the result last forever,sight effects  or have to touch up or redo after few years?very concern about this. ?.pls advise..thank you dr jung..by the way..what is the best month to perform rhinoplasty surgery as it isadisable not to perform during winter..thanks again..


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