ethnic rhinoplasty

페이지 정보


작성일.2013-01-27 23:21:36




I'm a 17 year old afro-caribbean girl and I will be Korea in August to attend a university program. I would be willing to come 2/3 weeks before I start the program for a consult. As you can see my nose is quite big/wide. My nostrils are pretty much undefined which bothers me a lot. It could be because my nose bridge and tip are horrendous.
I've seen quite a lot of rhinoplasties online of ethnic women with a similar nose. And the nostrils were more defined but the nose was still wide and kind of hard to look at. I hope I have explained clearly enough. And I wonder if that kind of procedure is possible??

I've also added photo's of women with noses I like, so you can get a persective of which direction I want to go with my nose.


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