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Re: query

페이지 정보


Date.2004-08-09 00:00:00




The nasal bone can be reduced as much as one desires by carrying out osteotomy. The nasal skin reduces naturally as the cartilage or the bone reduces. Excess skin does not stay wrinkled.

>Dear Dr Jung I am referring to reduction of the nasal bone so that the bridge is narrower. From your website I read that this can be achieved by fracture means. If so reduction is possible as much as I desire?
>Also I do not really understand your reply "The skin is not resected but it's managed with the cartilage and the bone." Does this mean excess skin which easily wrinkles cannot be removed?
>Thank you so much for your kind attention!
>>In case of bulbous nose if one wants to decrease its size more then a secondary operation might be necessary after 6 months of the primary one. The cost for secondary operation in this case is USD $ 200 which is not bad.
>>If you get operated in our clinic after service is guaranteed forever.
>>I don't know exactly what kind of reduction you are talking about but reduction is possible as much as one wants.If nose is reduced the skin remains but it shrinks later. The skin is not resected but it's managed with the cartilage and the bone.
>>>Hi Dr Jung you mentioned that bulbous nose reduction often needs 2 operations for better effects. If 2 operations are performed how much would it cost?
>>>Also is the reduction permenant?
>>>Lastly if there is excess skin around the nose area (a bit of wrinkling when I smile) is there a way to remove the excess skin?
>>>Thank you very much for your attention!



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