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waiting for answer

페이지 정보


Date.2005-10-23 00:00:00




I sent you an answer and I'm curious if you got it.
I think it will take time to start using bio tissue. Medpore is not appropriate to use for the nasal tip.
There are many causes of inclined columella. Usually it happens after an operation. However as I mentioned before it's possible to correct it.

>Dear Dr. Jung
>I would like to book for dorsal augmentation and columella correction with you. But I have to know when you can answer my questions. I can not just travel to Seoul until I surely know that you we have understood each other.
>You requested a picture of columella in basal view. I sent you that. But I have gotten just a answer in chinese. Also the translation of the question about medpor and biotissue engineering is in chinese. IT has not been translated yet.
>I wonder how could my columella get inclined after a rhinoplasty? It happended after a rhinoplasty operation when i removedabout 3 cm septum caudala (I had very high and long nose like Rene Descartes:D).
>Could you please right shortly how you usually correct inclined columella. Do you use implant and straigthen the septum caudala? What if the problem with inclined columella is because of alar cartilages was shortened wrongly after my rhinoplasty?
>Is not medpor better implant that Gore-tex? According to may researches it seems to be. Also is not better to avail bio tissue engineering and make body parts from the persons own DNA than using implants? 
>That is all. I hope you answer this as soon as possible so we can hopefully book for a operation. I will also try to call you before I book ticket to Seoul.
>Thanks in advance



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