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augmentation of nose, septum caudala, columella

페이지 정보


Date.2005-11-10 00:00:00




I think you asked enough questions already and I think I answered you enough. You sent tons of mails and wrote tons of messages on this site. I don't think I have more to answer you I'm sorry.

>I am really glad to finding you. I really regret doing a rhinoplasty that made my high long nose (that looked like Rene Descartes:D) become low and short. I need to augment back my septum caudal (3 cm septum caudala was removed sounds much for just the tail of septum but as I said the tail of my setum i.e. septum caudala was really long and beautiful). It does not fit a guy whose parents ethnic background Spain (but I have grewn up in Sweden) to have a short and low nose as my skin hangs little after to much reduction of my nose bridge. Also my columella is retracted (so the nasolabial angle is changed alot) because so much as 3 cm of septum caudala was removed hopefully that was just the tail of the septum - thus the whole septum is left.
>Can just send my a picture (by computer imaging) of the result you will achieve with my nose (you have my pictures or do you want me to mail them again)? I need something more concrete before booking for operation so I do not hesitate in Seoul. If I travel to Seoul and find that we had different picture of the result of  the nose operation then it is sad that I have to travel back..
>Please write me back also (implant chose cost and little material or cases about the operation procedure) the bridge columella and septum caudala of my nose will be augmented



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