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Consultation about inflammation after rhinoplasty

페이지 정보


Date.2015-04-25 10:07:53




Thanks for your question,

For the first, you should check that it is infection or not.
If it is not a infection, we can only concentrate for your shape of nose including swelling.
While, if it is a infection case, you should remove your implant and wait for 6 month for revision surgery.
Also, if you choose the rib cartilage as your implant, you can get the revision surgery at the same time 
with removing existed implant.


> > > I had rhinoplasty done in July 2014 and since then I've had swelling and inflammation in the nose area. I was told that the inflammation should stop and my nose would be healed after 6 month, but after 9 months of waiting, I still get inflammation regularly and my nose swells up every now and then. It also does not resemble the shape that I originally wanted. > > I have consulted two local doctors about my nose and they both gave different opinions. One said I had to remove the implants and reinsert them after the wound heals after 6 months of removal. The other told me that I could take medication (Singulair ) to reduce the swelling as it was not an infection and therefore was not dangerous to my health. > > Could you advise me on the best course of action for me to proceed? I am worried that it is an infection and my nose will never heal in its current state. >


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